MINT's 2023 Training of New Trainers

Standardized Patient Interview (SPI) Registration Form

Hi! We are excited to offer you the opportunity to demonstrate your Motivational Interviewing (MI) skills in a 20-minute audio recorded interaction with a member of MINT specifically trained in delivering a standardized patient role.

Before you can take part in the Standardized Patient Interview (SPI), please complete the registration form below. We need your name and the best email address, along with your telephonenumber. Additionally, please indicate whether you would like to work with the target changes of smoking or sleep.

Once you have completed the registration form, your Standardized Patient (SP) will contact you prior to the interview to set up the logistics. The SP will call you at the number you provided.

Within 24 hours of completing the SPI, you will receive a mail with your audio-recorded SPI in mp3 format. You will receive the “Standardized Patient Interview Reflection Form” with your recording.

We look forward to hearing your MI skills in action and helping you reach your goals.

Best wishes,
The TNT Team at MIC Lab